Dr. Yingcai Xiao

Dr. Yingcai Xiao

Title: Associate Professor
Program: Computer Science
Office: CAS 244
Phone: 330-972-5809
Email: xiao@uakron.edu


Dr. Xiao joined UA in 1995. Prior to joining the University, he was a Software Scientist at Intergraph.  Dr. Xiao has several research interests; served as the Program Chair for the International Conference on Computer Graphics, Visualization, Computer Vision and Image Processing (2007-2021); was Co-PI on a $150,000 NSF Grant (Interactive Learning to Stimulate the Brain's Visual Center and to Enhance Memory Retention); co-authored a chapter entitled "Seeing the Unseen," in Biologically-Insipired Computing for the Arts: Scientific Data through Graphics; and has appeared in several other publications (listed below).

Research Interests

Visualization, Computer Graphics, Human-Computer Interaction, Video Game Design, Numerical Simulation



            Proceedings of the IADIS International Conference on Computer Graphics, Visualization, Computer Vision and Image Processing (CGVCVIP 2010), Freiburg, Germany, July 27-29, 2010

            Proceedings of the IADIS International Conference on Computer Graphics and Visualization (CGV 2009), Algarve, Portugal, June 20-22, 2009

            Proceedings of the IADIS International Conference on Computer Graphics and Visualization (CGV 2008), Amsterdam, The Netherlands, July 24-26, 2008

            Proceedings of the IADIS International Conference on Computer Graphics and Visualization (CGV 2007), Lisbon, Portugaly, July 5-7, 2007


            “Critical Indicators for a Successful Open Source Collaborative Learning Environment”, Cheryl Ward, Xin Liang, Yingcai Xiao, Journal of Instruction Delivery Systems, Vol. 22 No. 4, p14-19, Fall 2008.
            “Enhancing Technology Use Through Open Source Learning System: Initial Findings from OLP_Sakai Pilot Project”, Xin Liang, Cheryl Ward, Yingcai Xiao, Proceedings of World Conference on E-Learning in Corporate, Government, Healthcare, and Higher Education 2008, pp. 1005-1008, November 17-21, 2008,
            “A Role-based Online Evaluation System”, Thomas Price, Jeromie Walters, Yingcai Xiao, Proceddings of IADIS Virtual Multi Conference on Computer Science and Information Systems, pp. 19 – 24, May, 2006.
            “A Novel and Fast Virtual Surgical System Using Fuzzy Logic”, Shanthanand Kutuva, Narender P. Reddy, Yingcai Xiao, Xiaosheng Gao, S. I. Hariharan, Saket Kulkarni, Proceddings of IADIS Virtual Multi Conference on Computer Science and Information Systems, pp. 277 - 281, May, 2006.
            “Symbolic Distributed Three-dimensional Computer-aided Design over the Internet”, Tim Reynolds & Yingcai Xiao, Proceddings of IADIS Virtual Multi Conference on Computer Science and Information Systems, pp. 287 - 290, May, 2006.



            • Ph.D., Computer Science
            • Ph.D., Physics
            • M.S., Mathematices


            Visualization, Interactive Computer Graphics, Human-Computer Interaction, Interactive Game Design, Internet Systems Programming, Windows Programming