Dr. Michael L. Collard

Dr. Michael L. Collard

Title: Associate Professor
Program: Computer Science
Office: CAS 228
Phone: 330-972-7191
Email: collard@uakron.edu


Dr. Michael Collard joined UA in 2007. He has several research interests (as listed below), has been a co-author in several publications (selected publications below), and is listed on Google Scholar.  Dr. Collard was awarded a $652,000 grant in 2020 from the National Science Foundation and was also a recipient of the 2020 Mining Software Repositories Foundational Contribution Award.

Research Interests

Software engineering, software development/evolution, program comprehension, reverse engineering, source-code transformation and differencing



Selected Publications:

Automatically Identifying Changes that Impact Code-to-Design Traceability during Evolution by Hammad, M., Collard, M.L., Maletic, J.I., Software Quality Journal, Vol 19, No.1 March 2011, pp. 35 - 64

A Lightweight Transformational Approach to Support Large Scale Adaptive Changes by Collard, M.L., Maletic, J.I., Robinson, B., 26th IEEE International Conference on Software Maintenance (ICSM'10), Timisoara, Romania, Sep 12-18 2010, 10 pages

Automatic Identification of Class Stereotypes by Dragan, N., Collard, M.L., Maletic, J.I.,
26th IEEE International Conference on Software Maintenance (ICSM'10), Timisoara, Romania, Sep 12-18 2010, 10 pages

Combining Evolutionary and Conceptual Couplings to Support Impact Analysis by Kagdi, H., Gethers, M., Poshyvanyk, D., Collard, M.L., 17th Working Conference on Reverse Engineering (WCRE'10)
Beverly, Massachusetts, Oct 13-16 2010, 10 pages

Measuring Class Importance in the Context of Design Evolution by Hammad, M., Collard, M.L., Maletic, J.I., 18th IEEE International Conference on Program Comprehension (ICPC'10)
Braga, Portugal, Jun 30 - July 2 2010, pp. 148-151


Object-Oriented Programming, Software Engineering Methodologies, Software Engineering, Software Evolution